After-Sales Training Objectives
The Grinder
This is the first instrument for the transformation of the product that is at the barista’s disposal: from beans to powder. It’s importance is essential for obtaining a perfect cup of espresso coffee.
- To demonstrate the effects of incorrect dosage and grind on the quality of espresso.
- To provide practical experience of adjusting the grind and dosage.
- To provide information on grinders and how to assess and correct the most common problems.
The Coffee Machine
This is the second piece of equipment used in the transformation of the product that is at the barista’s disposal: from powder to liquid. Engineering has invented various kinds of machines for making coffee but the cafe culture remains tied to the traditional machine.
- To demonstrate the effects of basic routine maintenance.
- To provide practical experience on how to operate espresso machines.
- To provide information on espresso machines and how to assess and correct the most common problems.